Kitchen & Cooking

Our favorite pre-made meal kit is the answer to cooking fatigue


新鲜: the best pre-made meal kit 信用:新鲜




多亏了Covid-19-the the the the Bouser的订单,在过去的四个月中,我的烹饪比整个31年的生命都要多。我一般都喜欢 - 我made bread from scratch,,,,learned how to cook short ribs in my newDutch oven,,,,and even used an沉浸式循环器为牛排搭配牛排。但是现在,7月中旬,我可以说我已经厌倦了做饭。

烹饪疲劳is setting in for many of us, which is why I’ve taken more of an interest in pre-made meal kits. Unliketraditional meal kitsthat send you the ingredients to cook, pre-made options just need a couple minutes in the microwave and it’s time to eat.

大流行之前I tested five pre-made meal kitsand found新鲜to offer the best in terms of quality (no frozen dinners here), variety, and portion size. And now, Freshly is offering Reviewed readers我们的前四个盒子享受15美元的折扣,其中包括经过评论的六顿饭选择。这是为什么它可能只是你需要踢cooking fatigue.

About Freshly


You can eat Freshly meals out of their containers, but I preferred to plate them on my own dinnerware for a more home-cooked feel.

新鲜is a meal delivery service that ships ready-to-heat meals directly to the consumer. Simply microwave for three minutes or less, and you have lunch or dinner with nutrient-dense ingredients. Freshly actively tries to minimize the number of processed ingredients and added sugars. While many favorites stick around, meals can change weekly to reflect fresh ingredients and what’s in season.

Customers select the number of meals they’d like for any given week—four, six, nine, or 12—and can select what they’d like to eat. Meals are delivered packed with reusable and recyclable ice packs and other materials to ensure freshness and minimize waste. If you’re not interested in receiving meals on any given week, it’s easy to pause until you’re ready again.

What I like about Freshly

新鲜turkey mushroom meatballs



我之前曾尝试过杂货店的冷冻晚餐 - 他们不是很好。这些餐用足够的钠可以品尝到可以品尝的钠,通常是真正的餐点的替代品。另一方面,新鲜的饭菜永远不会被冷冻;他们的味道更像是重新加热真正美味的剩菜。例如,牛排胡椒粉是一种健康煮熟的健康肉,如果我自己做的话,我会为自己感到骄傲。


新鲜的品味和饮食偏爱的人提供各种餐点。订购时,图标表示一顿饭是不含乳制品或大豆,碳水化合物低,蛋白质高,辣或少于500卡路里的热量 - 每顿饭都不含麸质。选择一顿饭,还有更多的营养信息,以及有关成分和准备的详尽解释。

味觉方面,新鲜的也可以运行范围。提供蔬菜 - 前面的“市场日餐”,例如鸡肉和春季豌豆烩饭,并与丰盛的“整个舒适”选择(如香肠烤penne)以及辣鸡肉tikka masala和烟熏猪肉Cubano碗都很高兴。


新鲜steak peppercorn

新鲜's Steak Peppercorn is cooked well, far better than I expected for a microwaved meal.

With pre-made meals, there’s no option for seconds. I was skeptical that they’d keep me feeling full after an evening workout, or that my boyfriend would find them filling enough considering he usually eats a bit more than me at dinnertime. While we were never stuffed after a Freshly meal, we were perfectly content. Meals felt substantial enough for a dinner portion and didn’t have us raiding the pantry for midnight snacks.



I truly had no complaints about the quality of Freshly meals, except at times when it came to the veggies. When presented as a separate side on their own, instead of incorporated in the dish, some of the vegetables stood out for being rather bland. While I otherwise would have recommended a yummy Chicken Parmesan dish, the side of broccoli tasted like I reheated it frozen out of a bag. This isn’t a dealbreaker, but it was enough to influence my meal selection.



新鲜delivers chef-made, never-frozen meals weekly. All meals are gluten-free and heat up in three minutes or less in the microwave.


  • 花椰菜壳肉芽素:一种完美的注重碳水化合物的方式,可以享受一碗丰盛的意大利面,您永远不会猜到花椰菜制成。
  • 金叶炸鸡和土豆泥:The execution of these simple ingredients reminded us of a great home-cooked meal from Mom.
  • 香肠和辣椒:搭配basmati大米,这种舒适的食物主食特色是用蜂蜜甜的marinara。
  • 烟熏猪肉古巴诺碗:Sous-vide pork and black bean relish make this flavorful bowl also high in protein.
  • 牛排胡椒:这款牛排嫩嫩,煮得很好,是我们品尝过的高质量成分之一。
  • Turkey Mushroom Meatballs:用西葫芦面条对意大利面条和肉丸进行轻巧,新鲜的味道,非常美味,您不会错过碳水化合物。

刚刚提供了评论的读者$15 off your first four boxes,从备有这些收藏夹的库存开始。


Is Freshly worth it?

是的。没有任何折扣,每周四顿饭的订单每餐$ 11.50,六顿饭或9顿饭的价格为每餐8.99美元,每餐12顿饭每餐$ 7.99。自己做饭可以进一步延长这笔钱,但总体上,新鲜的价格比您从餐馆外卖店支付的价格要低。当您做饭时,或者只是简单地厌倦了完全烹饪时,可以提供美味的缓刑。


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