Health & Fitness


The right tools can deepen your flow—and you may already have some of them.

Yogaprops 学分:Josuozkaritz


您是否经常出现瑜伽课in a pre-pandemic world or rarely, if ever, stepped inside one, you may think of things like blocks, straps, and bolsters as studio-only accessories. But as a devoted yogi and yoga teacher, I’m a strong advocate of using props in your home practice. If you’re a beginner to yoga, a well-placed block or blanket can help you make poses more accessible. They can help you get more height in poses, and they can help you stabilize your body in balancing poses. If you’re an experienced yogi, certain tools can help you reach new places—whether that means deeper folds or more supported backbends. Having a mat or blanket turns any parking lot or grassy park into a place to practice, and adding bolsters and blankets to restorative poses allows you to really sink in.

所有这些都是,道具无论采用什么形状都会使您的瑜伽练习受益。而且,如果您不确定从哪里开始,我们就可以为您提供服务 - 包括轻松替代某些物品,使用您可能已经在家中已经有的物品,如果您陷入困境,可以将其转向。



In close-up, a person’s thigh flexes over a yoga mat.
学分:审查 /伯大尼夸夸


第一最important—thing I recommend is a good yoga mat. Having solid flooring also helps, as it provides more stability, but even with carpet, a reliable yoga mat will elevate your practice. The mat provides a smooth surface for you to flow through poses and salutations without slipping or getting rug burn—and a truly great mat may even help you get excited for you to start your practice.

我更喜欢有一点抓地力的垫子来帮助您保持姿势,即使您的手和脚变得出汗 - 当寻找垫子时,请寻找一种被称为防滑或“抓地力”的垫子,但仍然有缓冲。或者,您可以直接去找我们最喜欢的瑜伽垫来自Lululemon,是我自己的瑜伽伴侣。5mm的厚度支撑着我的手腕和脚踝,而不会在我的脚下穿上三角形和金字塔等姿势。它总是对我来说是平坦的,很容易用布和水清洁。(如果您不想弹出Lululemon现金,我们也喜欢亚马逊基础知识垫。)

如果您打算做热瑜伽或生活在潮湿的气候中,请考虑购买垫子毛巾 -Lululemon做得很棒- 吸收汗水,给您更多的抓地力并保护垫子的表面。

DIY replacement:除非您在家中有一个完美的舒适,刻薄的地板,否则最好继续购买瑜伽垫。但是,如果您没有花哨的瑜伽毛巾,请不要担心 - 在汗水锻炼过程中,任何由毛茸茸制成的老东西都应该在垫子上工作。它不会像指定的瑜伽毛巾那样工作,因为它们具有更多的抓地力和汗水的品质,但是如果您陷入困境,它会做到。而且,如果您要在草或沙子上练习,也可以使用毛巾或家用毯子代替垫子。

2. Blocks to bring the floor closer

学分:瑜伽平方/伊丽莎白·蒂普顿(Elizabeth Tipton)


My favorite addition to a practice is blocks. They’re versatile and provide a lot of “feedback” for your body, or tactile clues that help you get and keep your body where it needs to be. For example, in a table pose on your hands and knees, it’s beneficial to have wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. However, when you’re in the pose, it can be hard to tell if you’re measured up. Placing a block behind one wrist and in front of the opposite knee as a measurement tool can help you make the most of poses. Once you begin to cat and cow your spine, the blocks may move or even tip over; this feedback shows you where your body is really moving, not just where it feels like it is.

There are three main types of blocks: foam, cork, and wood. Foam blocks are light and portable, making them great for people who practice on-the-go. They work well for restorative poses (like placing the blocks below your shoulder blades and leaning back or in half pigeon) because they are soft to lean on. Cork blocks are a great middle ground, as they’re sturdy but still have some give. They work well for placing below your legs or arms to help you stay in a pose like half moon longer. Wood blocks are the most dense and the least comfortable. They’re best for helping you find 90-degree angles and articulating poses you’ve already “mastered” in your practice.

I have four每天的瑜伽软木塞块that I use in my daily practice. I always use at least one to measure myself in poses or provide support. When I have time for a lengthier practice I incorporate several blocks into a supported bridge or use them along with my yoga chair (mentioned below).

DIY replacement:书籍是街区的最佳替代品,尤其是精装书籍,例如教科书和食谱(或者是最后一本《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)的书)。如果您只寻找可以测量90度的东西(例如,在桌子姿势或战士I中的前腿),您可以使用一盒意大利面,谷物或鞋盒。

3. Straps to give yourself adjustments

图片来源:Getty Images / Karinauvarova / Katonah瑜伽

A strap can help you sink deeper into your pose.

Straps are wonderful for giving your body boundaries. You can use them while learning arm balances to keep your wrists and elbows shoulder-width distance. Straps are also useful in restorative poses because they can help you feel secure in a pose.

When you’re looking for a strap, consider going for a quick-release option, which means it has a buckle that allows you to switch between different positions with the strap with ease. I like卡托纳瑜伽的皮带,这是由棉质材料制成的,感觉足以支撑我的四肢,但不会像一些更便宜的皮带那样切入皮肤。另外,它的夹子使皮带更易于单击,在姿势时拧紧并释放,而不是环形式皮带。

DIY replacement:毛巾还可以代替肩牙的皮带,或者在弓形或战士姿势中以前褶皱或顶部产生一些阻力。(热门提示:从一个角落滚动毛巾并保持对角末端以获得最大的长度。)

Get the Yoga Strap from Katonah Yoga for $16

4. Bolsters, cushions, and sandbags to encourage relaxation

An individual sits meditating on a pillow, earbuds in, surrounded by plants and sunshine.
Credit: Tuft & Needle

I love Tuft & Needle's meditation pillow.

诸如Bolster,毯子和冥想垫子之类的东西都可以用来在您的练习过程中提供支持 - 通常,它们用于使座位和斜倚的位置更加舒适,这可以帮助您更长的姿势。如果您想陷入缓慢的练习,我建议您使用这些类型的道具,以最大程度地利用运动的重点。

当您购买润肤器或垫子时,请考虑对自己的好处。我最近测试了Tuft & Needle meditation cushion,喜欢它。我计划今年进行冥想和呼吸练习(呼吸)练习,所以我很感谢我有一个高质量,舒适的地方。另一个不错的选择是每天的瑜伽的矩形支撑,,,,which contains dense yet pliable foam that reviewers say provides the right level of support for everything from meditation to propping up the hips during pigeon pose.

沙袋可用于在Savasana期间称重或脚踝。它们看起来似乎过多,但是他们所给的效果类似于加权毯子—which is to say, once you practice with one, you won’t want to go back. Sandbags come in various weights and sizes, and you can buy the bags unfilled to further customize for your specific needs. My go-to sandbags are the10-pound sandbags from Hugger Mugger- 随着时间的推移,某些沙子可能会从袋子中逃脱,但速度不足以使袋子看起来平坦。

DIY replacement:堆积的枕头和毯子可以代替垫子或垫子,它们使阴姿势更加舒适。而且,如果您已经有了加权毯子,可以用作沙袋的绝佳欺骗。


A yogi works out with the help of a yoga wheel.


Yoga wheels are tools to help improve balance and can help increase flexibility—they can be used lengthen tough-to-stretch spots like the back and build strength in the core by balancing on one when you're in a plank. Since you may use the wheel on your spine and feet, you'll want it to be supportive and durable enough to support your body weight and wide enough to feel comfortable. TheReehut wheel在亚马逊上有2,000多次评论,客户对其提供的支持和舒适感表示赞赏。

DIY replacement:很难用房子周围的东西复制瑜伽轮,因为您需要以正确的方式弯曲并能够支撑您的东西。你可以找到一些DIY instructions for yoga wheels on Pinterest大多数涉及PVC管,old yoga mats, and some power tools. If you like getting crafty, it could be just the challenge for you; otherwise, it might be best to go for a store-bought option.

Get the Reehut Yoga Wheel from Amazon for $29

6. A dowel to lengthen your spine

Two images: On the left, four smooth wooden dowels. On the right, a person practices yoga using a dowel as a prop.
图片来源:Etsy / Handiworkyourlove / NYCYOGAUNION通过YouTube

A dowel can help you maintain form in difficult postures.

A dowel is basically a long wooden stick that you can use during your practice to maintain alignment during deep stretches. You can use one to work on shoulder mobility by holding the handle in both hands with your grip the same as if you were holding onto a bike’s handlebars. You then lift the dowel over your head and behind your back and then up, over, and in front of you again. Doing this each day will increase your range of motion and help combat the back soreness associated with sitting for long periods of time.

如果您想尝试一个瑜伽杆序列,我最喜欢的销售地点是Lowes。You can get one there for less than $5 and, if you go in person, you can have someone there chop it down to the right size for you, which is slightly longer than your wingspan. If you know the length you need, you can also order them online fromEtsy长度范围。

DIY replacement:有任何备用木制窗帘或挂毯棒吗?如果是这样,您基本上已经有了销钉。如果没有,则两条扫帚和拖把都具有类似销钉的手柄。


Two separate images, each of a different yogi stretching and holding a pose with the help of a folding chair.
图片来源:Getty Images / Josuozkaritz / Etsy / Yogalifestyle


瑜伽椅看起来像是标准的金属折叠椅,但没有后背。当您进入倒立甚至向下狗等倒置姿势时,这提供了支持,以及要抓住的东西。可以从可靠的瑜伽椅上购买YogaLifeStyle on Etsy。Reviewers say it's sturdy yet lightweight and helps them feel safe as they go deep into poses.

如果您要购买椅子,您还需要一套软木块,以便您可以支撑两条腿来协助反转;为此,泡沫块不安全。椅子可以以多种方式使用,从倒置到修复姿势,因此,手头上有毯子和皮带以充分利用多功能性也很不错。如果您对所有用途感到好奇,请购买此流行的副本Iyengar瑜伽书that provides instructions for each pose you can do with the chair.

DIY replacement:您可以使用床或台面的边缘来帮助您在脊柱中找到长度。墙也总是很棒的道具。它具有支持,平坦,并且可以在任何姿势上应付您的全部体重。它也(希望)是一个90度角,可以帮助您在扭曲或平衡时保持对齐方式。而且,对于某些不需要在没有背部的姿势的情况下,您的上半身(例如简单的脚部)可以工作。

以85美元的价格从Etsy获取Yogalifestyle Pune瑜伽椅


The image is split in two. On the left, a model strikes a pose in black yoga pants. Right: A model poses in white yoga attire.


I prefer a loose top and tighter leggings when I practice so I can use blocks without them catching on thicker fabric, but you’re the expert on your body when it comes to your yoga outfit.Athleta,,,,lululemon,,,,老海军,,,,andGirlfriend Collective做一些favorite workout apparel,但是只要您有舒适和弹力的东西,就应该很好。

我最喜欢的瑜伽裤是超高兴高采烈的紧身裤来自运动会。它们柔软而不透明,没有捏。我最喜欢的上衣是Gia Crop Tee来自女友集体。它轻巧,柔软,并且是由再生水瓶制成的奖励。


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