Home & Garden



雪铲支撑在一辆被雪覆盖的黑暗汽车上,被雪包围 信用:Getty Images / tacojim


Several parts of the U.S. have already seen plenty of snowfall this winter season. And while we may all be wishing for less snow and more sunshine on these cold winter days, there's no telling how much more snow Mother Nature will bring over the next couple of months.



Person using a snow shovel on a large pile of snow.
学分:审查 /杰克逊ruckar

A good snow shovel can clear out a decent chunk of snow in no time (and, without all the heavy work).

One of the core tools in your arsenal for digging yourself out of the snow is a sturdy snow shovel. We've tested plenty of雪铲and found the日落18英寸的雪铲to be the best option for a few consecutive years now. While this shovel is a bit on the pricier side, it's a great shovel to have for any season. Not only will you plenty of use out of it year-round, but its shorter handle and well-balanced design make using it a breeze.

如果你不需要一把铲子的一心多用,我们commend theAmes True temper Aluminum Combo Blade Shovel。这是为了去除雪而有些调整,并且具有一些有效的犁功能。真正的脾气还具有钢制磨损条,可帮助防止降雪到铲子上。




Depending on where you live, it's possible a shovel won't cut it. If you're in an area that's forecasted to get hit hard, it may make sense to invest in a snow blower. A good snow blower can help you breeze through the chore of clearing your walkways and driveway, leaving the most back-breaking part of the work to the machine.

说到吹雪机,我们喜欢Snow Joe Ultra SJ623E。这是一个电动投掷者,因此无需弄乱气体,油,底漆或拉动 - 只是得到一个适当长的延长线而且你很好。电动机足够强大,可以扔大约25英尺,斜槽旋转180度,因此您可以避免吹到风中。SJ623E可以升至720磅。每分钟的降雪运动(是的,您可以正确阅读),这意味着它可以在约20分钟内清除平均长度的车道,并积聚半英尺。铲相同的数量可能需要数小时。

This is also one of the lower price we've seen this snowblower at recently, so it may be a good use of resources to invest in it now, before the snow starts to hit and prices go up again.

3. Get some ice melt for your walkways and driveway


Once you've gotten most of the snow cleared away, you'll probably have a sheet of ice lying underneath. That's where ice melt comes in, an appropriately-named product if we've ever seen one. While you could technically just使用桌盐清除多余的冰,我们不建议您的车道或人行道。更有效使用岩盐

We had some great luck withBlue Heat Snow and Ice Melter Rock Salt。虽然冰需要一会儿才能开始,但它具有很大的渗透力:一个小时后,我们发现单个颗粒已经无聊地裂开了坚固的冰块,使分裂和铲除铲子变得容易得多。

你也可以混合一些high-traction mineral granulesto help provide a bit more traction on particularly difficult surfaces and to help prevent ice from reforming as quickly.

ice melt that's pet-friendly,,,,try theSafePaw Ice Meltthat's free of any salt or chloride materials. The brand says it's safe to be around and if ingested (although, we'd keep your furry friends from actively eating any ice melt), won't hurt your plants or grass, and won't damage your driveway or other surfaces.


信用:Hopkins Manufacturing



A few of us at Reviewed absolutely swear by this thing. The foam grip is thick and easy to handle, the scraper is strong and can last years without chipping or shattering. Plus, the brush is wide enough to get the snow off the roof. This one is a best-seller on Amazon and we can certainly see why.

Get the Mallory Snow Brush from Amazon for $10.99

5. Don't let winter ice lock you out


Lock de-icers are best when they're set up for general use. We prefer spray bottles and canisters to the small-nozzled tubes.

没有什么比通过寒冷的寒冷和在滑冰上你的前门或汽车,只有意识到snowmelt runoff has found its way down into the lock and has subsequently frozen the lock solid. While keyless entry and fobs have made this less of an issue than it used to be, if you still rely on turning a key to get into places, it makes sense to invest in a bottle of lock de-icer to safeguard against getting stranded.

We typically like de-icers that are more multipurpose, like thePrestone Windshield De-Icer。While you can get some that specialize in locks specifically, those typically come in bottles or tubes that make the products ill-suited for use outside of a lock de-icing context. We've found the generalized de-icers work just as well and are better suited for use in other contexts, such as spraying away any stubborn windshield ice.

Get the Prestone Windshield De-Icer from Walmart for $3.12


A close-up of fluid getting sprayed onto a windshield.

If you always seem to run out of fluid right around the time your windshield is crusted up with salt, then make sure you're topped-off before the snowfall starts.

It's best to double-check that your windshield fluid levels are full before the bad weather starts to hit. Not only do you not want to get stuck without fluid when your windshield is covered in salty, icy muck, but refilling it while it's sleeting outside is less than ideal. Finding de-icer for your car in a pinch can also be difficult, as most convenience stores tend to jack up the prices in the middle of a storm.

我们建议投资一些concentrated washer fluid。Concentrated wiper and de-icer fluid is ideal because one bottle can make up to 55 gallons of fluid. That means you'll always have some on hand, without having to sacrifice 55 gallons worth of storage space.

Get the 2010 Windshield Washer Fluid Concentrate from Amazon for $25.99

Stay prepared for whatever this winter can throw at you

Woman shovels snow outside her home in UK
信用:Getty Images / Paulmaguire


As long as you know what to expect and you've stocked up on the essentials, you should be able to wait out the winter with relative ease. The worst snow-based situations result from being caught unprepared, which can leave you both literally and figuratively out in the cold.

If you're looking for more ways to prep for winter, we have plenty of more tips for确保您的房屋和家庭安全在冬季发生更多袭击之前。

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