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I tried The Sill’s popular plant delivery service—here’s what happened


一个灰色锅中的ZZ植物坐在书桌上,上面有书。 Credit: Reviewed / Betsey Goldwasser & Naidin Concul-Ticas

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Editor’s Note: September 23, 2021. We are happy to report that the ZZ plant is still thriving, and is almost twice as big as what's pictured in this article and in need of a larger pot. We have also tested The Sill’s new blooming flower delivery service. Thoughts on the blooms are included below.

By all accounts, I should be a great plant mom. I’m nurturing, I enjoy the outdoors, and I’m around my home often enough that tending to its needs shouldn’t be an issue. In practice, however, the moment I cross the threshold into my apartment, plant in hand, a death knell tolls. The end is nigh.


然后有一天,当我滚动浏览我的Instagram fef时,我每天都要保持孩子和宠物健康的朋友,我发现了一篇关于窗台,旨在帮助的在线工厂零售商woul的越来越多d-be apartment-dwelling gardeners像我一样。

I read the slogan:Can’t kill it. Just try.哦真的吗?已接受的挑战。

What is it like to order plants from The Sill?

A screenshot of the Sill online shop.

Sill Online商店很有吸引力且易于使用。

选择植物很困难,因为我想要所有植物。SILL的每一个产品看起来都准备启动自己的Instagram帐户。种植者 - 不包括在内,但如果您是一个没有额外的花盆,那么值得的,那就是简单的粉丝和中性色中的简单轮廓和柔和的色彩,以适合任何家庭的风格。

我想要比肉质更具挑战性的东西 - 尽管我杀死了很多,但是我还没有准备好进入高维护关系。我仔细阅读了plants for beginners和landed on a small, 4.5-inch-tall ZZ plant in a pale grey Grant planter for $41, one that uses a French-drain configuration with lava rocks to eliminate the need for a drainage hole, where water and soil can pool over time—one less thing to clean. Plus, opting for a plant already in its planter eliminated the need to transplant upon arrival.

ZZ植物的页面上的传记解释说,来自东非的冰雹,并以中等向低调的光繁殖。他们只需要每两周浇一次浇水,这似乎与他们从我那里得到的关注程度相当。但是,为了安全起见,我举办了额外的10美元夏季植物护理研讨会(类似于其中一个目前可用的讲习班) to learn a few tips.

My little plant configuration is unfortunately no longer available online, but这个小型ZZ植物除了更广场的八月播种机外,还相同。(放在赠款的播种机上?大小向上两英寸这个介质,6.7英寸高的ZZ植物

How do plants from The Sill arrive?

Credit: Reviewed / Meghan Kavanaugh

窗台plant we ordered arrived in great condition thanks to careful packaging.

Having already grown attached to my plant baby, I was nervous about the shipping process. Plants seem delicate to start—could they really withstand a few days of rough transit? The answer, thankfully, is yes. Wrapped in plenty of bubble wrap and packing materials, my ZZ plant arrived picture-perfect in just over 24 hours after I placed the order.

植物解开包装后,我按照指示给它一个初始的水和名字。第二部分肯定很难,但是在列出了以植物为中心的名字之后,我将她的Branche Devereaux称为我最喜欢的角色之一The Golden Girls




Credit: Reviewed / Meghan Kavanaugh

测试来自门槛的ZZ植物意味着将其从办公室(HI,Plant Selfie)运回家,并与我的其他植物家庭一起在家中。


One reason that made it less likely that I’d neglect this plant: Over the span of three months, I received nearly 60 marketing emails from The Sill.

Per the instructions in the Summer Plant Care workshop—something that was no more helpful than the free resources already available on The Sill’s website, and not worth the $10—I placed it in indirect light, watered it once every two weeks or so (as best as I could remember on my own), and rotated it to give all sides equal access to sunlight. There was one instance where a vacation away would push me into the three-week zone for watering and I returned to a plant that was ever-so-slightly drooping. A quick watering and she perked right back up.


还有一封有关植物主题婴儿连体衣的电子邮件植物女士项链,植物使人们开心T-shirtstote bags,甚至是botany cross stitch kit。虽然我为创建实际上时尚的商品和赠品机会提供了信誉,而且我敢说很酷,但对于已经购买了一些东西的人来说,电子邮件广告系列对已经购买了东西的人太多了。


Credit: Reviewed / Meghan Kavanaugh

From the first day, left, to three months in, The Sill's ZZ plant (whose leaves and branches have settled slightly post-shipping) still looks alive and well.

在成为植物妈妈整整三个月之后,我很高兴地报告没有什么可报告的。尽管我有点忘记了,但这种植物看起来很棒,而且看起来很棒,也许是一种不止一次的空调,而且通常不会干扰太多。如果有的话,有时候我不得不提醒自己不是to water it, that浇水同样糟糕—or worse—than underwatering.

在所有这些过程中,我的ZZ植物成为了我的客厅的一个受欢迎的补充,这给客人带来了很多称赞。虽然我可能会跳过再次购买研讨会,但我会心跳中购买另一个西尔植物。首先,它的价格与来自Home Depot的不那么壮地版本。在这两种情况下,以更临时的(且吸引力较低)的锅购买植物本身的价格便宜,但是确实需要更多的精力将其移至永远的家中。



Should you order blooming plants from The Sill?

Credit: Reviewed / Meghan Kavanaugh



在许多可用的花朵中(请注意,由于母亲节的需求很高,目前有一个候补名单) - 包括斑点斑点的兰花, vibrant紫色兰花, 粉色的卡拉百合, 和red anthuriums- 我选择了娇小的白兰花出于一个特定原因。我以前杀死了一个白兰花,我想要赎回。


Shipping was the same as with the non-flowering plants, but I was even more impressed seeing as orchids seem more prone to damage if handled incorrectly. The plant arrived safely and it was quickly set up in my living room. I was a bit unsure if the instruction to remove dry moss applied to the moss in this planter—which, about halfway through the removal process, seemed more alive than not—but it hasn’t seemed to matter in terms of its appearance or performance.

一个多月后(确切地说是37天),我很高兴地报告说,我的兰花(Orlando Bloom)似乎正在蓬勃发展。现在,所有14个芽都开放了 - 第一次到达时5个芽已关闭的事实使它的进度令人兴奋。

订购和保持兰花的订购过程是一个简单的过程母亲节。(Shipping was even faster than I expected, so no spoiler alerts here.) Her orchid has already arrived safe and sound and looking just as healthy as mine, which is a vote of confidence in the consistency of The Sill’s plants from one customer to another.

特别是当我们花费so much time indoors these days,从我的沙发上享受一些大自然,令人耳目一新。

从$ 5开始获得窗台的现场植物之一

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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.
